Each Monday I’ll be doing a quick post that helps you get involved, and better yet, gives you an asset or information for something you can do right now.
This week I want to draw your attention to something really cool that my cousin and her husband launched in early 2017 with the hopes of making political activism easy. Like, super easy. Like, there is really no reason not to take action, easy.
A trip to YouLoby.org goes something like this: you are prompted to enter your zip code, this you are directed to a page where you can select the issue you’re interested in talking to your representatives about. Topics include: LGBTQIA rights, Climate Change, the Travel Ban, and Women’s Rights, along with a handful more. You’re then provided with the contact names of your representatives, and a script, yes a script, so if you really hate talking on the phone, or are just unsure of what to say, they’ve got you covered. And here is the really nifty thing, the script actually changes based on who your reps are. Calling a Republican who voted for DeVos? They got you. Or maybe, you’re in a Democratic state with Democratic reps and you still want to make your voice heard? Yeah, there’s a script for that too. It’s literally, and I mean literally in the literal sense of the word, so simple that you have exactly zero excuse not to do it.
And while I’m here, I’d like to mention that today might be a very good day to call your reps about education, as Republicans just introduced a bill to Congress that could very well affect the future of education in this country. You can learn more about that here.
Bonus Reading: This article from Rolling Stone is crazy-town banana-pants about a group of Americans who are abroad right now fighting extremists in Syria.