Zero in Bend, no hiking
We’re relaxing in Bend for two days so I’m going to keep these posts on the short side and focus on some of the more random aspects of thru hiking.
Let’s go on an adventure into imagination land! Close your eyes. Wait, no don’t do that you can’t read with your eyes closed. Silly.
Picture in your minds eye your bathroom, whatever products you have in your shower, the few or many types of gels and powders that you put on your face and skin, all the way down to the cleaning products you use. I bet you have a distinct smell to you. Some culmination of your own special funk mixed and masked with the hygiene products that you most often use.
It’s something I never even thought about before I started the trail, and now it’s something that I think about all the time. Sure, on trail we mostly smell like some combination of body odor, onions, and cat piss, but once we’re in town the real party starts. It is a bit of an odd sensation to never smell the same. Being at the mercy of whatever products you find in a hotel bathroom, or occasionally washing your entire body -hair included- with cheap hand soap. It’s like attending a costume party of smells!
Don’t miss Crux Fermentation, Worthy or Immersion while you are visiting our town. Great Brew Pubs. Congrats on making it thus far. We have really enjoyed your writings. You manage to make it so real for your readers. Each day is special.
Thank you so much, Richard. I really appreciate that. We had a great time in Bend, it’s a rad city.