Perspective: A Comic

Last weekend I spent two days on a solo backpacking adventure through Sequoia National Park. The experience was definitely one of the hardest things I’ve voluntarily put myself through, but it was also incredibly rewarding, and at times super freaking fun. This lead me to thinking about how everything we do and love, or do and hate is really just based on personal perspective. These exhaustion-fueled musings lead to this little comic.

Also, I apparently write comics now. If for no other reason than to amuse myself.

Look for a full trip report coming later this week.

A Camping Supplies List – Because you have no idea what you’re doing.

There are a lot of benefits when it comes to being “that girl who does all the crazy outdoors stuff,” namely that people will randomly strike up conversations with me about hiking, nature, camping, and generally all things that fall under the category of “outdoorsy.” I’ve come to love these conversations if for no other reason than it beats listening to people talk about their yoga cat, or whatever it is people do in Hollywood to stay active.

Recently this penchant for asking me about nature, turned into people actually wanting to go out into nature with me. I know, right? But go figure, people are weird. However one thing I quickly realized is that people have exactly zero clue as to what they’re doing. Don’t believe me, here is an actual conversation I had.

Me: Excited for camping this weekend?

Clueless Future Camper: Sure, what do I need to bring to sleep?

Me: Well you’ll need a tent, sleeping bag, pad, pillow if you like…

CFC: Tent? I thought we’d be staying in cabins! Isn’t that what camping is?

Me: Ummmm, no. Camping is like, a tent-based activity.

And so I present to you a handy guide for car camping. Or, for the uninitiated, camping where you drive to within 100 meters of your camp site, grab all your junk, and sleep in a tent. You know, camping.

Camping and Stuffs